Update #3

How the Orange Gelée Revival Works

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By Marie Lodi | Dec 12, 2023

I, Marie Lodi, your dedicated Orange Gelée Project Reporter, am here with some helpful information about our exciting new project! By now, you’ve probably figured out we’re doing things differently around here. This ain’t your typical product launch, people! Orange Gelée is so unique that it requires a little more attention and pizzazz, which is what I like to think we’re imbuing into this endeavor. Transparency is crucial for the project, as is the Orange Gelée community. And having people who are loyal to the original product can be rewarding. After all, we only want to give the O.G. Orange Gelée the respect it deserves! It is, after all, a product that inspired over 10,000 people to sign a petition to bring it back — it’s serious stuff!

There is so much love for the original Orange Gelée out there (apparent by the tubes selling for hundreds of dollars on reseller sites). We wanted to do things right by taking old and potentially new fans through this step-by-step process. So, if you’re wondering how this whole project works, keep reading!

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How the Orange Gelée Revival Project Works

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For the development of Orange Gelée by Vacation®, we first scoured the internet for old tubes of the original product to analyze precisely how Orange Gelée won the hearts of so many. It wasn’t just one thing — whether it was the glorious orange color of the formula or the glowy finish it produced, there were several key features to consider during the development process. We began creating the formula after working with our chemist to find modern alternatives to some of the original yet questionable ingredients (mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, etc.).

In Spring 2023, we assembled the Orange Gelée Advisory Board Members to learn about their personal connections to the original formula, which is essentially the heart of the project. The Board shared their memories of Orange Gelée, and we officially began testing in June. We held focus calls with the board members and the Vacation® product developers, where we learned insights and captured honest feedback. Key points of the formula, such as color, texture, scent, feel, and more, were discussed. As we continue to refine and test Orange Gelée by Vacation®, we’ll be giving updates, so stay tuned!

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The Orange Gelée Revival Project Newsletter

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For all Orange Gelée Enthusiasts joining us on this wild ride, I’ll summarize the project’s findings in the newsletter (which, if you still need to sign up, you should!) They will also be available on the blog at, so you have different ways to stay up to date. (These reports may also contain exclusive sneak peeks, like behind-the-scenes photos and videos for the ultra-curious!) Alongside our development updates, I’ll have other long-form articles exploring the world of Orange Gelée even further. (For example, why, exactly, does its delectable scent have everyone and their mamas in a chokehold?)

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When Does Orange Gelée by Vacation® Launch?

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The project ends its journey in Summer 2024 with the release of Orange Gelée by Vacation®. You’ll be able to purchase it directly from us or pick it up at retailers such as Ulta, Nordstrom, and Amazon. Hot tip: If you sign up for the newsletter, you’ll get early access to purchase the product! You can also visit to catch up on my findings and learn more about the legendary Orange Gelée.

How the Orange Gelée Revival Works

The Orange Gelèe Revival Project is a joint initiative between Vacation® and Orange Gelee fans to bring back the beloved product by Summer 2024.

a tube of orange vacation brand sunscreen gel

The Orange Gelée® Revival Project is now complete.

Shop The Completed Orange Gelée®


Vacation® is a “Leisure-Enhancing” Sunscreen Company








@2023 Vacation INC.

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